Monday, September 30, 2019

Marketing Plan Power Point Presentation Essay

The purchase of the new hotel brings many opportunities as well as challenges. As the Human resources department, we have to done thorough research to find ways to accomplish all concerns presented by the executive team. We have found ways to address financial concerns, marketing, and operation concerns. We have also included concerns found by the human resources department and created was to address the concerns. Also included is our recommendation on the merger. Start-up costs and finance concerns The Chief Finance Officer is concerned about startup costs of the acquisition to include increased labor costs, renovations, and the higher salary being paid to the current Italian workers. In the start-up phase, training will be crucial and will come with a cost. The money has to be spread out in a few areas such as management and staff training-this will cover chain of command, hotel administration, finances, customer complaints, customer service, maid service, room service, restaurant services, fitness center cleaning, pool cleaning, and daily operations of the hotel chain. Language and culture courses should be the initial training focus so as to avoid language barrier and cultural conflicts between staff and guests, as it is imperative that we all know a little about each Nation’s language and culture. Equipment training-The hotel will be modernized with computers. The system will have a website for online booking, payments, complaints, maps, local features for tourists, and any other information a guest may want or need. The system will be used within the hotel for check in and checkout, bill handling, maid servicing, laundry acquisitions, room service, dining facility, training courses in culinary arts, food handling, and restaurant management. In the training process we have to get all of the employees (both American and Italian) in synch with each other. This will help with language and cultural barriers, should those issues arise. In the matter of employment money is always the issue. In this hotel chain all staff will bpaid based on their position and duties within the hotel. All employees will be evaluated every six months to establish whether a pay raise is warranted or not. Benefits will include health insurance, dental insurance, and paid vacations. Marketing Concepts I agree with the Chief Marketing Officer in that there will be added expense in marketing globally and in a foreign language. Our marketing strategy would have to take a different direction when promoting the hotels in Italy. Since we won’t be an â€Å"Albergo Italiano† we will still be an American hotel situated in another country. The Italian economy is dominated by small, family run hotels and organizations – 92 percent of Italian businesses are small or medium sized ((â€Å"Doing Business in Italy; 2012 Country Commercial Guide for U. S. Companies†, 2012). Our marketing strategy could focus on appealing to tourists who want the experience of being in Italy, but the comforts of a hotel chain that they are familiar and comfortable with. Our U. S. based company will face strong competition from local and other European based hotels, which can be achieved by maintaining our American hotel reputation and charm. Our goal is to keep the culture, quality and customer service of the hotel chain up to the same standards as in the U. S. By going global, it will give our current customers more options and opportunities to travel and still be able to stay in the comfort of a Pinnacle hotel. I don’t feel that decertifying the union at the startup is a good process. Unions are a good idea, but when you think about, having unions involved can cause things to get a bit more complicated. My advice it to try and get close to the union leaders and build a strong working relationship with them. Assuring them that the employees’ needs matter. I would recommend negotiating a lower benefits package to reduce labor costs. Daily Operations To address the goals of the Chief Operations Officer I have research position at other international hotels to find the best ways to produce high quality service. Since, the hotel will be servicing many customers with language as well as employee different nationalities. Manager positions will be created to accomplish administrative duties required from executive team and will oversee multiple departments. All managers will be required to have extensive training and experience in hotel management. Also, there should be a preference for managers with international hotel experience and that are multi-lingual. With the new merger, managers with that type of experience will be the best with communicating with employees and customers of different nationalities. With Europe having a high international market of hotels and 40 percent of its population speaking two or more languages, it will be the best place to recruit for manager positions. We should pay them over the current market pay to be aggressively recruit and maintain managers. Also, we should create department supervisor for all of the different areas. The department supervisor would be a liaison between lower level employees and managers and ensure that all tasks are being completed daily. They will also be able to investigate and communication with problems in each department to relieve the managers of some of the hands on duties. Supervisors will be crossed trained to fill in other sections to create flexibility when another supervisor is sick or on leave keeping the continuity of quality service on a daily basis. To recruit supervisor, the company should meet the current market for pay, this will decrease turn over, but if one to leave we would then hire a team leader from within the department. Supervisors recruited from the local region will have first-hand experience working with the Italy’s union enabling them to best supervise employees within regulations of the unions. A preference will for supervisors speaking more the one language will be preferred, but we would create programs and incentives to help facilitate learning different languages. After researching positions of other hotels, a team lead for each section has proven to be beneficial. The team lead has the most experience of the lower level employees but has no supervisory experience and only fills in when the supervisor is not in the department. Lastly, lower level positions that can be taught buy on the job training and will only complete daily tasks with in their departments. They will not be crossed trained due to the fact that we would pay lower than the current market pay and increase the number of employees as compared to other hotels. Although this could create a higher turnover rate, replacements would be easy to finds and the continuity will have little if no interruption. A separated department will need to be created to maintain of the building. One of this highest skills found in Greece was construction and general contracting. With Greece having a high unemployment rate and the readily available skills, it would be the prime place to recruit from to fill the department. Human Resource and Personnel Management My role as the Chief Human Resource Officer is to ensure that the employees of the organization have the right knowledge, skills, and abilities now and in the future. It is vital that the CHRO obtains a knowledge of the area that they will be working in, as there are many factors to consider in determining what is best for the organization as a whole. By purchasing the hotel chain in Italy, the company will be able to grow and expand cultural diversity into the company. U. S. based employees will have the ability to travel and learn a new culture and new type of work environment, this could support retention and would potentially be a strong recruiting tool for quality employees. It would give current employees new benefits, such as travel pay if they were assigned to Italy. Also, all employees would have the opportunity to learn basic Italian culture and language, helping to make the employee feel empowered and important. Our company is a non-union company, but in Italy the hotels are run by unions. This could cause a problem as the Italian workforce does not work outside of their defined job descriptions and duties. The current staff is not properly trained to take on more responsibilities at their current wages. This would require the company to retrain those employees into the positions creating a higher startup cost and more time to provide the training. Another issue is the culture of the Italians, they are accustomed to having more time off from work, more say in how the company’s operations are conducted, and they also have boundaries when it comes to their work schedule and limitations on what they perform. That could cause problems with U. S. employees, since they are not accustomed to limited position descriptions and are used to being able to perform a variety of tasks. Another potential problem is the lack of EEO laws in Italy. As the CHRO it is our responsibility to ensure that our employees are protected under the current laws and regulation. Our employees are very aware of the importance of EEO laws so the lack of the same respect for this law in Italy could disenfranchise individuals, especially when it comes to sexual harassment. On the other hand, training the Italians to follow the U. S. EEO laws could cause problems in recruitment, since they may feel that they do not have to follow U. S. laws in Italy. Lastly, the Italians are used to benefits that are required by the Unions. Our company does not have a department to deal with Unions, so we would have to assemble a team that could negotiate benefits for the Italians. We would have to find out if U. S. employees would be receiving those same Union benefits and if they would be required to pay Union dues. This could cause problems with our U. S. employees if they do not want to join a Union. Furthermore, if we are succeed in negotiating lower benefits, then Italian recruitment could be low, since they would rather work in another hotel that would provide higher benefits. Recommendation In summary, there are pros and cons to acquiring hotels in Italy. It would give a new set of skills to our current employees. It would allow our US employees the ability to travel and learn new skill sets. It would also broaden the culture of this company and be able to give the current employees the benefits of learning a new culture and a new language. It would open up the company to global recognition and more vacation choices for our current customers. On the other hand, it will not be an easy transition. Current Italian employees are limited in how long they can work, what positions they can fill, and are unfamiliar with our EEO laws. The Italians lack of knowledge, skill and abilities would cost this company a lot manpower, which needs to be calculated to see if it is worth the cost. The Italians are also used to obtaining many benefits that this company is not accustom to giving. A new separate department would need to be created to be able to negotiate and speak to the Unions. All of these issues would need to be addressed prior to obtaining the hotels and the Finance Department would need to be able to calculate the cost and benefits. As the CHRO, we recommend acquiring the Italian chain as the long term benefits outweigh the initial start-up costs and concerns.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Analyzing Anna O, Freud. Breuer, Jung

Analyzing Anna O Examining the theories of Sigmund Freud, Joseph Breuer and Carl Jung March 20, 2013 1 Bertha Pappenheim, better known as Anna O, in the world of psychology, was 21 years old when she first became a patient of Dr. Josef Breuer. She was said to be a gifted girl, with a high intellect. Sadly, however, she had a series of psychological and physical disturbances that rendered her almost incapable of functioning. â€Å"She suffered from a rigid paralysis, accompanied by loss of sensation, of both extremities on the  right side of her body; and the same trouble from time to time affected her on her left side.Her eye movements were disturbed and her power of vision was subject to numerous restrictions. † (freudfile. org) In addition to these problems she also suffered confusion, delirium and alteration of her personality. (This was described as â€Å"absence† at the time) She had head posture problems, and was unable to speak or understand her native language at times. Throughout her treatment with Dr. Breuer, these and other additional conditions would surface. It was during her treatment that Sigmund Freud showed an interest in her case. Breuer was an associate of Freud and had trained under him.Breuer had disagreements with some of Freud’s theories and set out to start his own practice. It was this case that inspired the â€Å"psychoanalytic cure†, which was the start of the widely used psychoanalytic methods used today. At the onset of Anna’s case, Dr. Breuer seemed at a lost with how to treat her. However, as Anna’s treatment progressed, he gained insight when he observed that, â€Å"while the patient was in her states of ‘absence (altered personality accompanied by confusion), she was in the habit of muttering a  few words to herself which seemed as though they arose from some train of thought that was occupying her mind. (freudfile. org) 2 Once Dr. Breuer gained this insight, he engaged in a t ype of hypnosis. Utilizing these words, he enabled her to focus on them as a starting point. By doing this, Anna was able to reproduce the mental thoughts that were occupying her mind when in one of her altered states. As stated above, Sigmund Freud developed an interest in the Anna O case. His fascination with this case led to his publishing Studies in hysteria. It was this publication which establishes Freud as the â€Å"father of psychoanalysis†.At this time, Freud constructs his theory that when the mind is fearful and overly emotional (hysterical), a person may develop disease symptoms. He goes on to explain the techniques of â€Å"free association and dream interpretation†, which, in turn, becomes the core of psychoanalysis. Once this was done, he was able to establish psychoanalysis as a legitimate clinical science. Freud went on the publish Theory on Dreams; The Conscious and Unconscious Mind; The Id, Ego, and Superego; Psychosexual Development, and other theor ies. Freud first published Theory on Dreams in 1899.During the first 6 years after its publication, the book sold only 351 copies. In fact, it took 2 decades before Freud received his fame. A paragraph from the PBS movie Young Dr. Freud summarizes Freud Theory on Dreams. â€Å"He uses dreams and dreaming to develop and weave an entire theory of mental functioning, perception, memory, and wishes. That, I believe, is the reason and the foundation for why it's viewed as a landmark. In the dream book the Oedipus complex is stated, the role of infantile sexuality is recognized. That dreams have meaning is recognized.The patient is asked 3 to free associate. Once you have the dream book you can start business as psychoanalysts because you know – at least you have a hunch of how to do it†. (Young Dr. Freud, 2002) Throughout Freud’s life, many aspiring psychologists were associated with him. In 1906, Carl Jung begins letter correspondence with Sigmund Freud. In 1907, J ung visits Freud in Vienna and writes  The Psychology of Dementia Praecox . Jung resigns from working at the Burgholzli Mental Hospital in Zurich, and visits the USA with Freud.In 1909, he also opens his own private practice of psychoanalysis and continues it until his death in 1967, at the age of 85. During Jung’s early association with Freud, he was a tireless fighter for the Freudian cause, that is, the universal promotion of psychoanalysis. He was swayed by Freud's methodology with the elusive problem of dream interpretation. However, in 1912 he announces his independence of Freud and goes on to publish Neue Bahnen der Psychologie. This independence seems to be a long time in the making.Jung was slowly disagreeing with Freud’s theories, cumulating with his reluctance towards Freud’s theory on the role of sexuality in the psychic development. By 1914 Jung had resigned from all positions he had held. At this time he seems to have gone through his own persona l turmoil, and it was reported he was suffering from moods verging on â€Å"near schizophrenia† (carl-jung. net) There has been a great deal of documentation showing that Jung had an affair with a former patient, named Spielrein, during these years. Perhaps adding to his break with Freud and his sexual theories.Jung felt that Freud’s theories were too extensive, summing up with this quote,â€Å" The great problems of life — sexuality, of course, among others — are always related to the primordial images of the collective unconscious. † 4 As great as the differences were regarding sexuality, a greater one was forming, their views on the unconscious. To Freud, the unconscious encompasses repressed or forgotten thoughts, while lingering within the individual psyche. The unconscious is like a repository for forgotten things of a person’s past.It is absolutely personal and belongs to that individual person alone. Jung, on the other hand, maintai ned there is a personal unconscious, but it rests on a collective unconscious. He felt that the collective unconscious does not derive from the personal unconscious, but it is formed from something that is â€Å"universal in nature. † Jung believed that this collective unconscious is the same in all individuals. Therefore, while Freud believed that everything comes down to a person’s past: family, relationships and repressed sexual wants and confusions.Jung maintained it was the collective unconscious which was â€Å"the great sea† in which everything else in the psyche came from and took shape. When analyzing the case of Anna O, Freud and Jung would have had disagreements. Freud felt the Anna O’s problems most likely stemmed from sexual abuse as a child. In fact, it was his view that eventually led to the rift between him and Dr. Breuer. Freud was also of the mind that this abuse rested completely in the personal unconscious. Jung would not have placed a great importance on a possible sexual abuse.Instead, he would have viewed Anna O through his collective unconscious theory. Jung may have gone so far as equating Anna’s paralyzes, and her dream of the snakes as corroboration to this theory. Siting the universal fears humans have of snakes, going back to the first book of the Bible. 5 To me, Freud would have approached Anna O with many questions concerning her childhood and possible sexual abuse. He would have been determined to find the link between her problems and abuse. Jung, on the other hand, may have placed his attention on making Anna aware of the common fears humans have, and why.While they both may have attempted a form of hypnosis, I do not think they would have succeeded, as Dr. Breuer did. In fact, It is my opinion Anna O was very lucky to have Dr. Breuer treating her and not Freud or Jung. 6 References: http://carl-jung. net/stages Feist, G. , Feist, J. (2009) Theories of Personality www. argosy. edu. myclassroo m. com http://www. freudfile. org/psychoanalysis/annao_case, Sigmund Freud: Five Lectures on Psychoanalysis. http://oaks. nvg. org http://vizedhtmlcontent. next. ecollege. com http://www. pbs. org/youngdrfreud/pages/theories_sexuality , (2002) Young Dr. Freud

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Exam questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Exam questions - Essay Example Futures contracts can be transferred between parties. Futures have advantages similar to those mentioned for forwards. Currency Options involves a contract for a fee (premium + commission), sold by one party to another that provides the buyer the right, although not the obligation, to purchase or sell a specified amount of a single currency for a given amount in another at an agreed-on price within a given period of time or on an exact date. Its advantage is that it protect against downside risk in addition to allowing upside appreciation. Currency Swaps on the other hand is an agreement by two corporations to exchange specified amounts of currency currently and to reverse the exchange at a given point in the future. A currency swap might not incorporate an initial exchange, in which instance it would incorporate one or multiple payments during the swap’s life in addition to a final exchange. This option helps in minimizing the costs of foreign conversion while client is secur ed against exchange rate risk. Additionally, it costs nothing to enter into a swap. Back-to-Back Loans is a form of loan where two corporations in different nations borrow offsetting amounts in individual’s currency. The aim of this transaction is to hedge against fluctuations in the currencies. It key benefit is that it allows one to gain from approved spot limits. A Non-deliverable forward contract is a form of agreement between parties where one (an individual) is protected against undesirable rates in foreign exchange. Generally, it is a cash settled transaction and as such there are no real exchange of currencies at maturity. Essentially, a net payment is made by one of the parties to the other on basis of the contracted rate alongside the market rate at the day of settlement. It effectively involves hedging of expected foreign currency cash flows. Simply put, a contract rate is agreed up-front, alongside the fixing rate (and the corresponding fixing date). The contract rate is made use of in calculation of the amount payable on the nominated date of maturity. It is important to mention that an NDF may is useful in management of currency risks related to exportation and importation of goods, foreign currency purchase, conversion of foreign currency denominated dividends, or in settlement of other foreign currency contractual agreements. It is more particularly useful in instances where physical exchange is not necessary on the maturity date or in instances where a foreign central bank puts some limit to offshore access to its local cash niche. It should be put into use in instances where one has a genuine commercial necessity to manage currency risks linked to a particular pair of currency. Q2: The strike price of an equity option in popular plc is 380p and the premium was 24p per share. The current market price of a share in the company is 410p. The exercise date is still over one month away. Calculate the profit or loss on one contract to date fo r: A long call A long put A short call A short put If the market price of shares in popular rose explains how, and why, the premium would alter as a result for: i) a long call The profit made by the trader will increase. This is due to the fact

Friday, September 27, 2019

Exemplification essay on Stereotypes of an American Male in a european

Exemplification on Stereotypes of an American Male in a european counrty - Essay Example Asian Americans are stereotyped as submissive, Math or business wizards, black Americans are either thugs or religious fanatics who are good in basketball and rapping, Latino Americans are lazy and dependent on social welfare, and white Americans are aggressive, loud-mouthed, condescending, violent individuals. Asian Americans are often depicted in the media as submissive. For instance, when speaking with other races, they do not look at them in the eye and tend to bow down. Asian Americans are also portrayed as Math wizards. They often wear large glasses and excel in Mathematics. They are frequently honor students and are severely grade-conscious. Furthermore, Asian Americans are described as businesspeople. They either have restaurants or pharmacies. Many of them become rich doing business. It can be seen that these stereotypes are generally positive compared to other ethnic American stereotypes. Black Americans are shown in the media as either thugs or religious fanatics. The young black male is often a criminal or juvenile delinquent. In TV shows, they are loud-mouthed and do not excel in their studies like Asian Americans. Sometimes, black males are also shown as religious zealots singing church hymns and attending religious services all the time. Black men are also stereotyped as good in basketball and rapping. People sometimes automatically assume that they have Michael Jordans genes running through each and every black man. These stereotypes are generally negative and focus too much on the sports abilities of black people. Latino Americans are frequently stereotyped as lazy. The media shows them as enjoying siestas and parties. It seems that all they do is have fun and that they cannot focus on being productive. The media also depicts Latinos as dependent on welfare. Again, this is a negative stereotype that entails their laziness and lack of motivation in their lives. Like

Thursday, September 26, 2019

U08d2 Court Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

U08d2 Court Case Analysis - Essay Example The main intention of the bill was to improve the current, i.e. less than 3% of the Massachusetts residents without health insurance. Hence to help the people overcome and not be uninsured, the state has established that hospitals need to charge the patients on reasonable rates rather than being based on the actual costs (Goodnough, 2009). The case involved a number of claims, like, ‘BMC’s constitutional claims also face high hurdles. The hospital contends that in requiring BMC to treat patients without providing full payment, the state engaged in a â€Å"regulatory taking† — essentially, using the hospital’s property without paying for it’ (NEJM, 2009). This case is absurd in a few manners. The main issue is due to the stem of an older case and conflict between the state and Medicaid cost cutting. Cases of this nature tend to be never ending and with a chance of low solutions for the health care industry. As explained in the case, ‘As long as powerful interests clash over limited health care resources, parties will do what they have always done: go to court’ (NEJM, 2009). The case of Massachusetts allows being a guide to help resolve the several health care reforms and will also allow a future solution for the cases where hospitals are not given their freedom to treat patients and are directed by the State Legislation (NEJM, 2009). Hence the case has a clear amount of impact on the health care industry and this case to some extent although a bit absurd is a benchmark for the several cases where the hospitals are not treated

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Risk Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Risk Assessment - Essay Example Pesticides sprayed on plants are not just sprayed on plants, but soak into the soil on which we walk and get into the underground water supply, contaminating it so that it becomes unsafe to drink. I also do not want to put anything into my body that I cannot read on a label and pronounce and understand, and speaking from the heart, I cannot understand the name of any pesticide, except to tell you that anything ending in â€Å"zine† is bad. Pesticides and herbicides should be tested for their potential to harm humans by putting them into a controlled sample of water and observing changes over time. If the water were to turn an unnatural color, such as brown or gray, the pesticide would then be deemed unsafe. It should also be tested on samples of soil by placing the controlled pesticide sample into the soil and monitoring plant growth throughout the sample. For further testing, we should introduce fish into a larger, yet still controlled sample of water, and if the pesticide sample introduced to that environment caused any harm to the fish, then we would know it would be unsafe for humans. As a consumer, we have a responsibility to not only read labels on the food that we purchase, but to know where our food comes from. Simply choosing to buy organic is not enough. We must know, at all times, if the can of corn or the bag of onions that we are about to pick up in the grocery store came from a place where chemicals are used on the food. This is our responsibility as a consumer, to make sure that we are aware of what is going into our

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Special Interest Tourism in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Special Interest Tourism in the UK - Essay Example The main river, Shannon, runs through North Ireland and into independent South Ireland. The United Kingdom is a glowing economy with one of the highest per capita income in the world at 35,100. "The United Kingdom "is separated from Scotland on the north by the granite Cheviot Hills; the Pennine chain of uplands extends south through the center of England, reaching its highest point in the Lake District in the northwest. To the west along the border of Wales, a land of steep hills and valleys, are the Cambrian Mountains, while the Cotswolds, a range of hills in Gloucestershire, extend into the surrounding shires. "Important rivers flowing into the North Sea are the Thames, Humber, Tees, and Tyne. In the west are the Severn and Wye, which empty into the Bristol Channel and are navigable, as are the Mersey and Ribble" (United Kingdom: History, Geography, Government and Culture, 2009). With such a rich topography, the whole of the United Kingdom has special interest tourist locations spread out throughout the land. For this essay, we will concentrate on Harrogate in England as the special interest tourist location. Harrogate is one of the places in England, "suited for tourism owing to its special features and rural leanings. "The Harrogate district boasts a strong, resilient economy centred on a high quality built and natural environment, a culture of enterprise and a highly skilled resident workforce" (Draft Economic Strategy). "Business tourism attracts over 350,000 visitors per annum. This brings spending of 160m to the district each year and helps support around 21,000 tourism-related jobs (30% of employment) in hotels, restaurants and other related businesses" (Draft Economic Strategy). Owing to the recent worldwide recession, development in Harrogate had to be curtailed that also led to some setback to tourism. The area has to be appropriately developed with railways and roads to enable better transportation. Also, infrastructure including communication is relatively poor in the rural areas of the district. Facilities for higher education do not exist. These conditions do not severely affect tourism. However, they impact the quality of tourism in the area that can only improve with proper infrastructure and education. Evidently, the urban-rural connection in the region is imbalanced but the rural areas are poised for better organizational growth with initiatives from the local authority and its partnership with the sub-regional tourism and coastal tourism bodies. There has been a growth of 75% in the tourism industry in the last twelve months in Harrogate. The region attracts footfalls not only locally but also from other countries such as Germany, Netherlands, Slovenia, and Eastern European nations. This is indicative of the rich potential that exists in Harrogate as a tourist centre in Europe (Suckling, Helen et al; 2010). The

Monday, September 23, 2019

THE WAR ON TERROR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

THE WAR ON TERROR - Essay Example This terrorism and war on terror is a direct outcome of America meddling into the business and affairs of other nations. Would it have been possible to avoid this kind of terrorism attacking us? When these attacks happen it is easy to put the onus on a few government or social departments. However when terror attacks of this scale happen then it is obvious that they are an outcome of years of meticulous planning. By the same logic blaming Federal Bureau of Investigation or Immigration and Naturalization Service was an easy way out of pinpointing the responsibility. However as stated earlier attack on America is an outcome of years of American intervention in the affairs of other nations and even failing to beef the security well within time. Posting guards at airports post the attacks was a reaction to the event. The more interesting question is what could have been done proactively to avoid the attacks. This clearly indicates that we did not look into the system weaknesses at our en d and rectify them well within time. It also means that someone whose idea could have been useful was rejected on the grounds of ulterior political aims and perceived to be confusing. For ex: Homeland security chief Tom Ridge introduced colour codes for levels of security risk. The colours changed from green to red as the level of security changed from low to high.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care Practice and Policy Essay

Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care Practice and Policy - Essay Example question of abortion, perhaps one of the most controversial topics in the field, has always been a subject of discussion, given its complex legal and ethical implications, pitting health care professionals against each other and against members of the public. Whereas it may be legal for health care practitioners to perform an abortion today, other health care professionals and members of the public still consider it unethical to do so, thereby creating an ethical dilemma in the field (Wallace, Wiegand & Warren 1997, p.586). Apart from that, other ethical dilemmas emerge at the end of life point, when health care professionals have to make the critical decision of switching off the life-support machines to permit death to occur. As if that is not enough, the issues of confidentiality, patient/practitioner relationship as well as matters to do with consent as in the treatment of underage patients often present numerous ethical dilemmas to health care professionals (Greenwood, 2014). Th is paper explores the ethical and legal issues that are relevant to health care practice and policy while incorporating critical application of selected theoretical perspectives applicable to ethics in health. Relevant ethical arguments and legal perspectives will be applied to a specific practice situation in reference to the adult learning theory of Knowles (1990). Eventually, this paper will explore the issue related to ethical and legal issues in health care incorporating professional body guidance (NMC code) and legal acts, as well as the views of theorists and philosophers. The term â€Å"ethics† has been conceptualized as â€Å"social values†, â€Å"morals† or â€Å"principles† that enable people in distinguishing between the acceptable and unacceptable social behaviour (Corning 2002, p.6); ethical values form the basis for social interaction because they are deeply entrenched in people. Health care professionals need to know ethical standards or principles and the professional

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Why Chinese mothers are superior Essay Example for Free

Why Chinese mothers are superior Essay This Wall Street Journal is very true about the way Chinese parents raise their children, and how they raise them is how they will grow. Each person has their own opinion on how their child should be raised and taught. In Amy Chuass Why Chinese Mothers are Superior an article from the Wall Street Journal, she explains the difference between Chinese parenting and Western parenting. Her belief is if you are hard and strict on a child they will be successful and go far in life, unlike westerner parents who make excuses for their child for being unsuccessful. Many people think that since Chinese parents are so hard on their children that they don’t care or love them but its complete opposite, they just express a different and unique parenting role. Amy Chuas is a professor at Yale Law School and author of Day of Empire and World on Fire. Her argument in this article is in her ethos, from the beginning she stated her character as the stern and demanding and don’t care attitude type of mother. Chuas is the author of this and she is constantly comparing and contrasting Western parenting from Chinese parenting, she mainly defends Chinese ways and almost guilt trips Western parents and puts them down. She states, First Ive noticed that Western parents are extremely anxious about their children’s self esteem. She is implying that they want their children to do good, but are concerned about their feelings will be if they don’t succeed at something, that is why they are always encouraging them to do good, and try their best. Western parents are worried about their childrens intellect, where Chinese parents aren’t, Chinese parents suppose hardness and power unlike vulnerability and this explains why they act so contrasting. Amy Chuas seems to be open to both sides of this argument but still stands tall and supports her own beliefs and opinions which makes her a smart and open minded author in which more people will honor her for her beliefs instead of looking down on her for having her own opinions. Ive noticed that she is content with facing people who want to argue with her belief of parenting skills, and is readily given to listening to other people’s arguments that disagree with her. Amy Chuas uses her pathos as an inconsiderate customary humor, and is looking down at westerners for how they raise their children. Amy likes to discuss what Western parents want to do to act and be like the Chinese but in all reality Western parents know they cant be like how Chinese parents are toward their children; even though they would like to think they are rough and tough on their discipline. What i think is interesting is that her own husband has an argument out against her when he states Children don’t choose their parents, so its the parents responsibility to provide for them basically making a pled for the Western side of this argument. With all this being said she tried to have a good comeback for him but she failed to do so because her request is damaged because she is not thinking in a neutral state of mind. She really didn’t have much to say, other than of course all parents out there want to see their children do good and succeed and achieve lifetime goals to help better their self. Its like she contradicts her point because she says she disproves how Western parenting is; and then turns right around like i stated earlier that all parents are the same, and if they care for their children then they only what want is right for their children. Amy Chuas states in the beginning and tells us the percentages of Western and Chinese mothers who agree that children stressing with their school and academics that it isn’t good for them. Stressing with learning and any type of struggling isn’t good for children especially at such a young age because this is a crucial time in their life, but all of the Chinese mothers thought this was good for their children. They think that if their child is under some sort of pressure they will try harder and when they are strapped with school work it will make them even try harder to succeed, and this is where all the moms stood behind Amy and could relate to why she thought this way. Chaus makes 1 / 2 this confusing for the reader, especially when calling her daughter trash and making her feel worthless when she didn’t do good on a test but since we don’t know what her daughter really did this could be a lie or her exaggerating just to get us to understand her point. She doesn’t intricate when she says what decent parents really are and what is best for children. I feel if she is going to say that she should go into more detail and explain her argument and point of view better, even with all her exaggeration there is no certain ways set in stone to decide what conditions a excellent parent has. I like the fact she has made it very clear that there are differences between Western and Chinese parents. She is just stating that her parents must have raised her this way so apparently their is a long line of Chinese history behind her so she is just carrying out the family tradition, and raise her daughter this way. For her this culture of changing would be hard to do because the reason of her essay was to differ Western from Chinese and of course we expect her to think the Chinese way is more efficient. The audience is whoever decides to read this and i feel as if she wants them to take in so they will take in all what she has said into consideration and change their mind to the way she sees stuff. This topic is very eye catching and really makes you think about how many different ways their is to raise your children and how different nationalities teach and want their children to grow up. Amy Chua thinks being hard on children while they are young and criticizing them academically when doing wrong they will grow into a successful adult one day. This article might not be effective but it does help you to understand and explain why Chinese mothers are superior and how Western ones are not. I think teaching them freedom and independence is what is better, not scolding them for getting a B when we all know that’s a good grade to get. Teaching them independence and how to make choices that will follow them until their older is what should be more important. Either way she does have a good static of parenting children and it shows because so many Chinese people really are successful and its because their parents raised them this way and that is all they know. You can ask anyone today about Chinese parents and most of them will tell you that they are hard on their children because that is all they know, and they are just passing how they were raised in return hoping their kids raise their children the same way. Chua, Amy. Amy Chua Is a Professor at Yale Law School and Autho Od Day of Empire and World on Fire. The Wall Street Journal. Dow Jones amp; Company, 8 Jan. 2011. Web. 19 Sept. 2014. Chua, Amy. Western Parents Are Extremly Anxious about Their Childrens Self Esteem. The Wall Street Journal. Dow Jones amp; Company, 8 Jan. 2011. Web. 19 Sept. 2014. Chua, Amy. Children Dont Choose Their Parents, so Its the Parents Responsibility to Provide for Them. The Wall Street Journal. Dow Jones amp; Company, 8 Jan. 2011. Web. 19 Sept. 2014. 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Friday, September 20, 2019

Great Northern Hotel Refurbishment Project Construction Essay

Great Northern Hotel Refurbishment Project Construction Essay A risk management report was undertaken to determine potential risks that may occur alongside the refurbishment of Great Northern Hotel. The chief executive of RAM-led consortium, which has been selected by Kings Cross Central to refurbish the Great Northern Hotel, appointed our team to identify, analyze and develop proper recommendations for managing potential risks. Our team used a cause-effect analysis based on a set of conclusions identified after several meetings with experts and brainstorming sessions to highlight areas of possible concern for the project. Another method used was to analyze historical records and reports from previous construction projects. The results of the report outline the fact that, without an accurate risk management applied before setting the baseline for the project, various factors may affect the overall duration and the necessary budget to refurbish the Great Northern Hotel. 2. INTRODUCTION AND METHODOLOGY This report was requested by the chief executive of RAM-led consortium, before the beginning of Great Northern Hotel refurbishment. Our team was asked to submit its findings by 26th of May, 2010. The purpose of this report is to investigate what are the possible threats for this refurbishment project and to analyze how their impact can be minimized. Our team has responded to this request by developing a list of potential risks that might affect the refurbishment project and by carrying out a thorough risk analysis, as understanding the nature of risks is a precondition for a proper response, and also by suggesting appropriate recommendations for minimizing negative impact on the project. The objective of this report is not to eliminate risk or uncertainty, but to take a fundamental look into the future of the refurbishment project and to identify possible threats. By risk, our team understands the possibility of something happening that can affect the prospects of achieving project goals (Maylor, 2003, page 192). Nevertheless, our team also took into consideration several other risk definitions, all of them underlying the same idea. Some examples of definitions our team has worked with are listed bellow: Risks are those factors that may cause a failure to meet the projects objectives (Burke, 2003, page 253) Risk is the expected consequences of an event and the probability that the event might occur (Kendrick, 2003, page 2) The possibility of suffering harm or loss (Maylor, 2003, page 192) Considering its limitations of identifying all risks that might affect the refurbishment project as it is almost impossible to foresee all future events our team used these definitions in order to outline major areas of risks for construction projects, especially for the refurbishment project. To tackle risks, our team applied the risk management plan proposed by Burke (2003), which included the following steps: Identify and categorize risks Quantify and prioritize risks Develop risk response/managing risks Risk identification is considered to be the most significant part of risk management process (Burke, 2003), as risks that are not identified can have negative consequences on the project. For this step, our team chose to consider multiple techniques in outlining major areas of risk for the refurbishment project. Our main method implied categorizing risks, as this method can lead to the identification of specific problems (Kendrick, 2003). Our team mainly looked at projects objectives to define potential external and internal sources for risks. In doing this, our team focused on some of the methods indicated by Burke (2003), such as having meeting with experts and with members of the personnel to share risks experiences as previous experience can contribute to risk identification -, having constant brainstorming sessions and also analyzing historical records and reports on previous construction projects. After collecting results from the methods mentioned, our team applied a cause-effect analysis to identify risks for the refurbishment project. After having identified a range of potential risks, our team tried to measure the impact they could have on the project. Assessing how likely an event is to occur and determine the extent of the effect of the event (Maylor, 2003, page 195) is known in project risk management as risk quantification procedure. Risk quantification also implies undertaking a risk priority analysis (Burke, 2003), in order to establish what areas of risks to address first. For this maneuver, a Probability/Impact Matrix has been created to measure the level of risk and to prioritize potential risks. Final step undertaken by our team was to develop responses for the identified risks. In risk management, after identifying risks, they can either be reduced or mitigated in some way (Maylor, 2003). There are several procedures to respond to risks (Burke, 2003), among which: Eliminate risks avoiding the risk by removing cause (Burke, 2003, page 262) Mitigate risks reducing risk probability and impact (Burke, 2003, page 262) Deflect risks transfer the risk to another party (Burke, 2003, page 263) Accept risks As eliminating risks completely cannot always be a successful procedure, our team has chosen to combine the above mentioned procedures and offered solutions for eliminating, mitigating and deflecting risks. 3. FINDINGS 3.1 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION RISKS Before listing the results of the analysis undertaken for the refurbishment project, this report will outline some of the risks that are generally affecting construction projects. This information will contribute to a better understanding of potential risks a construction project may imply and it can influence part of the decisions concerning further risk monitoring and control for the refurbishment project. Based on data collected from meetings with experts and with members of the personnel, from brainstorming sessions and from the analysis of different reports of previous construction projects, out team concluded that there are several ways of classifying risks in construction projects. Our team has elaborated the following classification to underline possible areas of risks for construction projects: Financial risks which can include labor and material work or extra charges from contractors or suppliers Time risks which can include delays caused by different factors, major discrepancies between estimate and actual durations Technological risks which can include misinterpreted construction procedures or design assumptions or unplanned site conditions Socioeconomic factors such as environmental organizations or economic instability Organizational factors such as communication between workers, contractual relations Operational risks such as construction defects, labor risks, quality insufficiencies Generally, data analyzed revealed the fact that construction projects are more inclined to risks, as they rely on multiple factors to achieve their goals, such as material suppliers, labor force, site conditions, quality surveillance and fixed budgets. Moreover, results also suggested that construction projects have a higher degree of uncertainty than other types of projects, as they can be easily influenced and affected by weather condition or political and economic climate. The conclusion our team reached is that the refurbishment project can also be affected by the above mentioned factors and that a detailed risk management plan is compulsory to be developed for the project to reach its goals. 3.2 IDENTIFYING RISKS FOR REFURBISHMENT PROJECT Results collected from our meetings with experts and personnel members, from our brainstorming sessions and from the analysis of previous reports on construction projects indicated that for the refurbishment of Great Northern Hotel multiple areas of risks should be taken into consideration. From the areas identified, our team will outline through this report the first major categories of risks that could affect the refurbishment project. These categories are: Time risks Costs risks Quality risks A cause-effect analysis has been undertaken in order to identify time, costs and quality risks by considering the objectives of the refurbishment project. The findings are listed in the following pages. For a better understanding of our analysis, our team included the objectives of the refurbishment project. The project has three main objectives: Refurbish the Victorian-build Great Northern Hotel by early 2011 Constructing a new boutique hotel, with 94 luxury bedrooms, a bar and a restaurant by late 2011 Open the hotel in time for London Olympics 2012 By applying a cause-effect analysis, our team identified risks on time, costs and quality, their causes and effects. The risks are listed in the following pages: I. Time risks Severe delays in refurbishing the hotel Major differences between estimate time and actual time in constructing the new boutique, the bar and the restaurant Grand opening postponed with two months Workers strike Causes: Personnel causes illness, deaths Technical problems problems with work equipment Problems with suppliers equipments not delivered on time Weak communication among personnel Changes in contract between client and contractor Lack of risk management among workers Organizational culture conflicts Weather volatility Lack of detail work plans from contractor Necessary approvals not given on time Effects: Severe delays Slow progress Delays in money allocation for work equipment Project failure II. Costs Risks Insufficient budget for refurbishment Higher costs for construction of new boutique Currency fluctuation Hotel not opened in time for the Olympics Causes: Increases in labor and material costs from suppliers Higher bills from contractor on work progress Instable economy Emergency situation, such as extra equipment or extra personnel Effects: Over-budget Slow progress Activity stopped Project failure III. Quality risks Poor building condition Low quality refurbishment Weak structure for new construction Law quality of material used Causes: Unstable structure of old building Lack of professionalism Misinterpretation of work tasks Incorrect design assumptions Effects: Delays caused by additional works Objectives not achieved on time Over-budget Project failure RISK QUANTIFICATION Next step undertaken by our team was risk quantification, in order to measure risks probability and to establish their priority. This report includes a Probability/Impact Matrix for the risks identified. The Matrix has been developed using the analysis results following our meetings with experts and staff members, our brainstorming sessions and from the analysis of previous reports on construction projects. Risks Probability/Impact Matrix Probability and Impact have been rated on a scale from 1 to 4, where 1 = Unlikely/Minor, 2 = Possible/Moderate, 3 = Likely/Major, 4 = Almost certain/Critical Risks Probability Impact 1. Severe delays in refurbishing the hotel 3 4 2. Major differences between estimate and actual time in constructing new boutique, bar and restaurant 2 3 3. Grand opening postponed with 2 months 2 2 4. Workers strike 2 1 5. Insufficient budget for refurbishment 2 3 6. Higher costs for construction of new boutique 2 2 7.Currency fluctuation 2 1 8.Hotel not opened in time for the Olympics 3 4 9.Poor building condition 3 4 10.Low quality refurbishment 1 2 11.Weak structure for new construction 2 3 12.Low quality of materials used 1 1 By rating Probability and Impact for the identified risks, our team also prioritized them, as follows: I. Major risks (Major Impact, Likely Probability): Severe delays in refurbishing the hotel Hotel not opened in time for the Olympics Poor building condition II. Moderate risks (Moderate Impact/Possible Probability): Major differences between estimate and actual time in constructing new boutique, bar and restaurant Grand opening postponed with 2 months Insufficient budget for refurbishment Higher costs for construction of new boutique Weak structure for new construction III. Minor risks (Minor Impact/Unlikely Probability) Workers strike Currency fluctuation Low quality refurbishment Low quality of materials used RISK RESPONSE AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of risk identification, quantification and priority, our team makes the following recommendations: For eliminating risks, the client/contractor should: Obtain necessary approvals before starting the refurbishment Check material quality before beginning the refurbishment Before signing contract with suppliers, include statements on fixed costs and material delivery schedule/replacement Have more meetings between client and contractor before signing the contract, to clarify each detail Severely check workers background before hiring them For mitigating risks, the client/contractor should: Name a risk management committee and include a risk management plan Carry out condition surveys and measure surveys to establish building condition Elaborate a risk management plan focused on individuals Monitor timetables and ask for weekly detail work plans and proof on progress Include weekly quality controls Allocate extra money for unplanned events in the tendering period Include morning meetings with workers to explain details on tasks Offer common lunch for workers to improve communication For deflecting risks, the client/contractor should: Hire an Audit company to keep track of accuracy in billings and work progress 4. CONCLUSIONS This report outlines what potential risks can a refurbishment project encounter alongside its duration. By using appropriate methods for identifying the risks and their causes, the report highlights what impact these risks can have on the project and to what extent they can be measured and prioritized. The report also includes a set of recommendations for eliminating, mitigating or deflecting potential risks. By making this report, our team reached the following conclusions: Most decisions in construction projects are based on incomplete information with an associated level of uncertainty about the outcome (Burke, 2003, page 252) In construction/ refurbishment projects, level of uncertainty can reach a high level in multiple areas No project should start before developing a risk management plan Managing risks should follow fixed steps Identification, Quantification, Prioritizing and Risk response and use as many sources as possible when reaching these steps Risk response should combine different procedures to eliminate, mitigate, deflect or accept risks Before deciding for one of these procedures, a cost/benefit analysis should be undertaken For refurbishment projects it is very difficult to identify all risks, as they are more inclined to risks than other types of projects and can be easily affected by politics or by economic climate This report also includes outputs from Microsoft Projects on project scheduling, resources, task and finances developed by our team, in the Appendices chapter. This report counts 2365 words.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Enthusiastic :: essays research papers

Essay The enthusiastic embrace of the Internet by the world’s people is changing the way they handle personal and business relationships, define their lifestyle and learn about the rest of the world. With the Internet and modern technology today there is no limit as to what people are able to do. A majority of today’s people (especially youth) would have to live very differently without the Internet as they use it in almost every aspect of their lives. It is now the basis of people’s lives and without it; the world would be a different place. There is a down side to the Internet. People do not get out as much, instead of doing things like exercising, getting out doors and being with friends and family, they stay inside and surf the Internet. However with all the upsides of the Internet and technology these can be ruled out, but should not be forgotten altogether. Using the Internet, we now can communicate differently, that is through the use of e-mail and online chat. No longer do we have to wait for days for a letter to reach its destination, but via e-mail it can take a number of seconds only. Information can be conveyed from one place to another much quicker. Online chat is a way people meet others, and catch up with friends without leaving the house. They can enter chat rooms from various sites over the net and talk/chat to people. Business relation ships are different as well. Deals can be made quicker online and do not have to be in person. Arranging meetings can be done online. Often a large part of a businesses work is done via or over the Internet especially if the company has its own web site set up. There is a huge amount of advertising also on-line. Because so many people use the net, advertisements are put in the Internet. There is a wide scope of users, so all of these adverts would be seen. Most advertisements are not plain pictures and text, but with a link to the businesses web site, (people only have to click on the icon.) Online advertising, in some ways, would be more effective that television, in that they can go directly to a company’s site when they see the advertisement, if there is an online store people can buy right away. A business can display its products or services on the Internet, and sell it this way.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Potato And Its Societal Effects Essay -- Essays Papers

The Potato And Its Societal Effects The potato had a great effect in Europe during the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. The potato was a part of the Agricultural Revolution that took place during this time. The Agricultural Revolution not only had a great impact on agriculture, but society as well. This revolution caused an increase in population. J.G. Hawkes, author of The Potato: Evolution, Biodiversity, and Genetic Resources, notes that the "potato [was] brought to Spain about 1570 by Spanish explorers who discovered it in South America. The potato was grown in the country of Chile. Hawkes also asserts that the potato was most likely brought to England around 1590. However, Redcliffe Salaman, author of The History and Social Influence of the Potato, explains that "the potato was a luxury food in England until the middle of the seventeenth century" (445). The potato helped to revolutionize society. During the eighteenth century the working class of England could not afford bread. Bread prices rose dramatically, but workers wages remained low. This caused a great deal of disease and malnutrition within the working class in England. Salaman notes that "the potato was mainly responsible for remedying this condition amongst the working classes of the country" (435). The potato was used as a substitute for bread because there was a shortage of wheat. The potato helped England to survive a shortage of wheat and bread. The Western Heritage Brief Edition textbook explains that with the potato, "a single acre of land could produce enough potatoes to feed a peasant family for an entire year" (381-82). Salaman offered the evidence of esteemed economist Adam Smith who said, "one acre land under potatoes would yield... ... it was and could not afford food. Potatoes had been the primary source of food for seventy percent of the Irish people. This Famine changed Ireland socially and culturally in many ways. Works Cited - Food and Drink in History: Selections from the Annales. Vol. 5. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 1979. 5 vols. - Hawkes, J.G. The Potato: Evolution, Biodiversity, and Genetic Resources. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institute Press, 1990.. - Salaman, Redcliffe. The History and Social Influence of the Potato. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985. - Szabo, Liz. "Interpreting the Irish Famine, 1846-1850." Liz Szabo’s Home Page. (25 March 1998). - The Western Heritage Brief Edition. Vol. 2. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1996. 2 vols.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Dystopian Future in Brave New World Essay -- Brave New World Essays

Brave New World is a remarkable journey into the future wherein mankind is dehumanized by the progress and misuse of technology to the point where society is a laboratory produced race of beings who are clones devoid of identity only able to worship the three things they have been preconditioned to love:   "Henry Ford, their idol; Soma, a wonder drug; and sex" (Dusterhoof, Guynn, Patterson, Shaw, Wroten and Yuhasz   1).   The misuse of perfected technologies, especially those allowing the manipulation of the human brain and genes, have created a pleasure-seeking world where there is no such thing as spiritual experience, just pleasures of the flesh.   In the face of a transcendent religion, the inhabitants (genetically engineered to exist in one of five classes and condition to believe that the class within which they fall is the best one for them) lose their will to rebel against the capitalistic class-divisions of their society.   Psychological mottoes and rigid class div isions have replaced traditional societal values such as family, religion and freedom.   A wonder drug that removes all psychological pain, the pursuit of carnal pleasures, and the replacement of identity and soul with idol worship of a Henry Ford type savior serve to create a dystopia that is frightening as well as the path already being forged in society when he wrote the work in the early 1930s. Yet when Huxley published the book in 1932, the concepts most frightening in the novel (babies conceived in the laboratory, gene splicing and reproduction, and pharmaceutical wonder drugs to relieve psychic pain) were not realities.   With the successful cloning of farm animals, the development of invitro fertilization, and the rampant prescribing of countless wonder dru... ...ew. Narr. Jenny Sawyer. 60secondRecap, 2010. Web 14 Apr. 2015 Baker Siepmann, K. (ed.) Benet's Reader's Encyclopedia. (3rd edit.) Harper & Row, N.Y.:   1987. Birnbaum, M.   Aldous Huxley's Quest For Values.   Univ. of Tennessee Press, TENN:   1971. Dusterhoff, A., Guynn, R., Patterson, J., Shaw, L., Wroten, D. and Yuhasz, G.   "Huxley's Brave New World:   A Study Of Dehumanization."   Web 11 Apr. 2015. Firchow, P. E. The End of Utopia.   Associated Univ. Presses, Inc., N.J.:   1984. Huxley, A.   Brave New World.   Harper & Bros., N.Y.:   1950. Leary, T. and Gullichsen, E.   "Huxley, Hesse And The Cybernetic Society."  Web 24 Apr. 2015. Watts, H. H.   Aldous Huxley.   Twayne Publishers, MASS:   1969.

Monday, September 16, 2019

With reference to several specific moments in the play, explain how you would perform the role of Masha

The part of Masha is a female who starts at the age of 21 and in act3 aged 35.Her clothes are in the colour black so we learn from this she is a melancholy and mysterious character. She is the middle sister out of the three and is married to Kulygin. Kulygin is a high school teacher. She starts by reading a book, whilst whistling. This gives the immediate impression she is quite solemn and subdued. She then says a quote which she repeats later in the play. â€Å"By a curving shore stands a green oak trees, Bound with the golden chain †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Bound with the golden chain†¦.'† Her character seems down at the point because she feels trapped in her marriage to Kulygin. She married him at a young age of 18 and thought he was quite a wise clever man but now she feels stuck in her relationship with him. We learn this later in the play, but at the moment, the character of Masha is dull and unenthusiastic. I would act the part as if I was uninterested in my surroundings and what is going on. I would act unfocused towards the fact it is my sister's name day and I would be indulged in my own pity. She feels trapped in her marriage to him, and is depressed by the reality of life, that she is stuck in this marriage, and in Moscow. I would say lines quite pessimistically and would move around the stage slowly and with my head slightly tilted up as in to be looking to the heavens for help. This would show the audience I am unhappy, and am feeling low. The audience would learn I am unhappy, and would learn soon that it is from my surroundings by which I feel this. Masha does not mind showing her emotions, so I would not hold back my feelings whilst saying my lines and acting in general. The audience would learn straight away that Masha is sad and unhappy with her life. Also is act1, we find out Masha's thoughts of Protopopov. â€Å"I can't stand Protopopov†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦You shouldn't invite him.† I would say this line with quite passion, as Masha's character seems quite open with what she thinks. I would seem quite angered at the thought of him. Also, because Masha is already in a bad mood, the mention of some one who she doesn't like upsets her more than usually. I would show this if I was playing the part. This shows the audience she is quite a good judge of character as she later on learns about the affair he is having with Natalya, her brother's to-be wife. They also learn a lot from Masha's derelict that she is to the point and honest with her thoughts. When the part of Veshinin enters, I would make a dramatic change in Masha's tone of voice, and presence on stage. This is because Veshinin is from Moscow, so the 3 sisters are automatically drawn to him. Also, Masha is interested in Veshinin as more than a friend from the beginning, and I would portray this from the moment he walks on stage. We learn this when she becomes excited by having a conversation with Veshinin about Moscow. â€Å"The both laugh delightedly. Masha (animatedly) Ah, I remember!†¦..† I would act this very animated as it says in the directions, and be intrigued about learning about Veshinin. I would forget about the others on stage around me, especially my husband, and stay interested in Veshinin. My face would now be lifted, and focused on Veshinin, my eyes widely opened and a smile on my face. All three sisters have an obsession with Moscow and this would come across in her keenness towards Veshinin. The audience would see that Veshinin's entrance has changed Masha's feelings. They have changed from feeling depressed and down to animated and awake. She emphasises this point when she says: â€Å"I'll stay for lunch.† I would say this line quite abruptly as I want everyone to know I am staying. Also it shows the audience how strong my interest is in Veshinin. The audience would also see me take my hat off, which emphasises the fact I'm staying. Near the end of the act she tells Kulygin she is not going. When he asks why she says: â€Å"Oh right, I'll ho. Just leave me alone, please.† I would say this line whilst not looking at Kulygin, to show that I don't care about him. I will say it with no animation on my face and would be getting cross with him. I feel he is a burden to me so I show this by getting annoyed with him. My tone of voice would sound aggressive and angered, and I would be speaking a little louder than usually. I would pause between saying â€Å"alone† and â€Å"please†, to emphasise the please. This would also so my frustration with him to the audience.This tells the audience Kulygin doesn't interest Masha any more, and she no longer is in love with him. At the end of act1 she repeats the quote: â€Å"By curving shore stands a green oak tree, bound with a golden chain†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Masha is about to be leaving and going back to her house with her husband whom she does not love any more. I would show this by looking depressed and saying this line quite slowly and be thinking of a better life for me as Masha. In act2, Masha is on stage with Veshinin. They are alone, talking about how unhappy they both are. Masha says â€Å"†¦terribly learned, clever and important, so I thought. And now I don't†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I would say this so Veshinin would feel sorry for me and know that I am welcome for something to happen between the two of us. I would look into his eyes when I talk which would show the audience I love him, and look coldly when I talk of my husband so he knows I don't have any feelings towards Kulygin any more. This shows the audience Masha is interested in Veshinin but doesn't want any one to hear to see, as this conversation takes place in the dinning room of the Prozorov's house. Later on in this conversation Veshinin tells Masha he loves her. When he kisses her hand she moves as she knows what she is doing is wrong. When he says it, she says: â€Å"When you speak like that, I laugh, I don't know why†¦..† If I was playing Masha, I would make my face look brighter, and I would star into his eyes lovingly. Because of her character, I feel she is the type who cannot hide her true emotions, so at this precise moment of intensity between the two of them, she probably wouldn't care what she looked like. The audience would see the love Masha feels for Veshinin through how she looks at him. When Veshinin leaves during the act, Masha becomes aggressive. â€Å"Oh, get away! Stop pestering me, leave me in peace†¦.† As I mentioned earlier, her character is quite open with her emotions. Because Veshinin, has left Masha is now upset and angered. I would say this line very snappy and loudly as my whole frame of mind has moved from love to anger. The tone of my voice would have completely changed. They would now be shorter and snappier. This is so the audience can see Masha is upset with Veshinin's exit. When Masha enters Olga and Irina's room during act3, after Veshinin's speech about how wonder he feel life is, her and Veshinin echo each others line: â€Å"Tram-tam-tam†¦Ã¢â‚¬  But this part in the play, Veshinin and Masha both like one another, and this small conversation is a special language they are speaking to each other. Masha is very happy as Veshinin is present in the room, and that he loves her back. From her entrance, I would play the part as if I am happy, quite dreamy, calmly. I would act quite excited as I would be having this secret language with the man I love, but no one else in the room knows what we are talking about. The audience would see the secret verbal affair going on, and would see how no one knows anything is going on. After Veshinin exit's Masha becomes bored, and low again. â€Å"†¦I'm so very, very bored!..† And then she brings up how her brother Andrei is in dept from his gambling problem. Due to Veshinins's exit, Masha focuses on the bad parts of her life again. I would start saying the lines now to the point, and as if I don't care who hears. She is bored now as Veshinin has now left, and so she feels depressed now, and as she is depressed she is thinking of depressing things. I would tell them about Andrei's gambling problem quite bluntly. This would show the audience the effect Veshinin's presence has on Masha. A little later on in the act, after Kulygin has exited, she confesses to her sisters about her love to Veshinin. â€Å"I've a confession to make†¦.I can't keep it any longer†¦.† I would say this conversation with a huge passion as Masha is very in love with Veshinin, and so even talking about him would excite her. I feel she wants something to happen and so coming clean with it to her sisters may hopefully mean that something good may come of it, but this is not so. It's the first bit of happiness any of the 3 sisters have had since they have moved away from Moscow, and that is a reason why this short conversation with Olga and Masha is very important to Mashas part in the play. She is the only 1 out of the 3 sisters who experiences true happiness during the duration of the play. The fact that she is actually in love with someone, and for them to love her back, is extraordinary to them. Ironically, Masha is the only one who cannot move back to Moscow, as she is married to Kulygin, who works in the school in the are they live in now. This upsets Masha more, and is another reason why her love for Veshinin is so important, because it is the only happiness she has had since she has moved. But the reality kicks in when they hear someone approaching the room. She has to now go back to her husband who she doesn't love and pretend she hasn't shared any of this information with her sisters. I would now act solemn and upset again, as once again, I, as Masha, would have to be putting up with sharing my life with a man who I do not love. The audience would see how much Masha loves Veshinin by the passion in her voice and actions when telling her sisters about her feelings. In Act4, it is time for Veshinin to say good bye, as this is the day when all the soldiers are leaving. The atmosphere on stage during this act is a lot calmer than the other 3, as everyone on stage knows the stage in their lives with the soldiers it is nearly over.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


The workforce is contingent on the willingness of personnel and sites . The workforce is the main concern of employers everywhere. All areas of employment are touched by economics and it consist of the figure of births rates, and the quantity of training each person receives. 100 years ago, most jobs were industrial in nature, what I mean is that individuals worked in factories or on an assembly lines. These types of positions weren't very challenging because it's a situation that was repetitious because the worker repeat steps. Because of new technology today, everything happens to be more demanding, very aggressive and creative. Women are employed within position that once was considered â€Å"only men were productive in. Work shifts are divided into three shifts for several organizations. They're basically eight hours a shift and the employee usually work forty hours a week. Over the years the workforce has added four generation of workers. This has caused a distinctive effect on the workforce and organizations have employed and facing age differences. The HR department has come to the knowledge that the workforce of the past as a consequence will influence the future status of many organizations. They realize that the success of the organization depends on being able to hire workers. Plus the facts show that many people are not retiring but continue to work well past the age of 65. HR specialists find that they're having to formulate additional resolutions to meet the demands relating to the workforce with the aging workers. Which requires HR specialists to understand and be able to execute ways to create jobs and to fill them with acceptable workers. Meanwhile workers and jobs are always transforming so organizations realize that they have diversity and the skill to maintain a balanced workforce being competent to accomplish their goals for the future of the organization. Also, companies have moved to global level with improved technology and communication. Besides more women employees entered the workforce which was not the state 100 years ago where women lives tended to be centered around their families. During World War I changed who the workforce would use once the men were either volunteering or being drafted to serve in the military which resulted in there was no one to fill the positions. So businesses hired the women to work in the men's place. After showing the factories that the women were capable to carry out the duties that the men could do, but they were paid less for the same job. Since then women have demanded rights for equal pay and equal treatment. Because the workforce have become more diverse with gender, age, and culture it has caused organizations to change how they attain workers and maintain their numbers. The older workers are still present in the workforce is making HR to consider alternative ways for hiring, training, and what type of benefits plans to offer as enticements.Today HR managers needs to spend considerable time and money in training in new technology and keep them updated. The future US workforce groups in 2025 would be mostly aged population over 60 years. The workforce I filled with many kinds of technology such as computers, internet, smart phones and many mobile devices that has opened communication where everything seems to move at the speed of light. Therefore, HR will need to be on their toes to meet every task in the future.ReferencesAnderson, B. E. (2000). Journal of Economic Perspectives. Worker Protection Policies in the New, 207-214.DeCenzo, D. A. (2016).Fundamentals of Human Resource Management. Danvers, MA: John Wiley ; Sons.Effortless HR. (2018).Retrieved from The Past, Present and Future Workforce:, A. ;. (2010). Organizational behaviour.London: Financial Times Prentice Hall.Khan, A. H. (2012). Impact of job satisfaction on employee performance: An empirical study of autonomous Medical Institutions of Pakistan.African Journal of Business Management, 2697.Micheal Bailey. (2018). Retrieved from Demographic shifts and the HR challenges of the f uture: in the Workplace. (n.d.).Retrieved from

Decision Making in Product Purchasing

Decision making in consumer purchasing is defined as the psychological process of selecting a particular course of action among other alternatives.   But for one to be able to do this, he must first go through various stages that will enable him be aware of the product and how to obtain it. These transactions are useful especially in determining the purchasing behavior of a consumer. The stages involved in this process are: Awareness this is a stage where a consumer must be aware of the existence of a particular product in the market.   The second stage is interest, meaning, the consumer must be interested in the product he intends to buy. This is then followed by understanding whereby, the consumer should be able to know how the particular product will meet his needs (Baker). The next stage is attitude under this the consumer must be able to develop a positive feeling towards the product. The final stage is the purchase which is the buying decision made by the consumer. Though there are many goods to choose from in the market getting more information about the product by visiting different stores, discussing with friends and relatives, reading, listening and watching advertisements in media and on the Internet helps in the decision making process. Considering the advantages and the disadvantages of the products, the availability of the product in the market and the resources available and how the good will meet my needs is a big part of choosing which products to purchase. The evaluation of the product’s quality, durability and usefulness among others was considered. The following factors enabled me to come up with a decision in purchasing the listed products. Need: The decision of the purchase of the official dress came as a result of need. It was recommended that to attend the meeting; one had to put on a particular kind of clothing.   Research was used in discovering the most cost effective place to purchase the clothing and the particular brand others would be wearing in order to fit the group. The purchase of the perfume was due to the need to have a good fragrance after a shower. The decision making process in this was personal taste (Baker).   It required sampling different fragrances to find the one that was the most appealing. The need for a good toothbrush, tooth paste and the mouth wash was to maintain the good health of the mouth including the teeth, gums, and tongue and maintaining fresh breath throughout the day. Again the decision of a particular kind over another was the result of personal preference.   Toothpaste and mouthwash needs to provide the most appealing taste possible. The need for communicating with colleagues and other members of the family or friends who are far away led to the purchase a mobile phone that would ease communication. Brand loyalty can be a factor in buying a mobile phone, but the best package of services provided for the cost is usually a better deciding factor. The need for a television set was entertainment and to be informed on what is happening globally. Through television we are educated on particular areas of our social lives.   The purchase of a television is often decided by brand loyalty.   People often go back to the brand they have had good luck with in the past.   The need to keep my self healthy by avoiding headaches during the day is why the medicine was bought.   This is decided by what works the best on each individual’s headache.   If it does not get rid of the headache, it is not worth buying. Motives: These are personal forces that make an individual engage in various purchasing activities which therefore satisfies his needs. Since actions are normally affected by motives, the following motives brought the need to buy these particular products. Love, safety, self actualization and esteem were the basic factors that contributed to the purchase of the listed products. Knowledge: Under this, the ability to learn is applied, whereby a persons’ behavior is changed through the information given to the product purchased.   In this case, my knowledge of operating the mobile phone and the television set led me to decide on the buying of these products knowing that there will be no loss or damage caused while operating them. Therefore the knowledge of the product to be bought must also be considered as a leading factor in a consumers purchasing behavior.   It is also important to know which brands and models as well as service packages best fit the buyer’s needs. Attitude: These are defined as the feelings towards a product this can be a negative feeling or a positive feeling this is normally learned through practice and communication with other people in society, through interaction with different people, including friends and family members. A positive attitude towards these products is one factor that leads people towards return purchases of the same product (Hoyer). Personality: This is the characteristics that make an individual unique; this normally derives from inheritance and personal experience. Such characteristics include: Self confidence, friendliness, ambitiousness, and aggressiveness. In different aspects of Lifestyle this is defined as a change towards an individual’s independence that leads to a preference for a particular type of life. For instance the buying of products such as a particular model of a mobile phone was decided upon by the type of mobile phones that a particular class of people in the country posses.   This is often a large deciding factor for brand loyalty, because a person only wants to purchase the brand that the people around them or like them have.   Designer labels are a result of this. Culture and Sub-Culture: These are values, and attitudes accepted by family members and the society at large these factors determine what product is tolerable within the family. This is normally used to determine what people wear, eat, and how they travel. Packaging clothing to include the hang tags and labels that provide information on how to take care of the garment creates a positive attitude towards the garment leading to its purchase. Also, the fiber content and the place of its manufacturer led to deciding on purchasing the item that is probably going to last the longest, require less care and look better. The companies known for better production of these products are known to be implying the best marketing strategies that will enable them to achieve the targeted market these strategies include: Pricing-the company uses the pricing methods to enable its product to reach its marketing standards. Whereby various pricing methods are applied such as Premium pricing this is where the uniqueness of the company product is defined. This pricing is normally high and is totally used where there is a substantial competition of the product in the market. For the company to be able to gain the market share, it therefore applies the penetration pricing whereby, once the company achieves the market share, it increases the price of its product. Also in situations where the company’s need to promote the product in the market, then it uses the promotional method of pricing in which a consumer is asked to buy a product and the purchase is accompanied by a free sample of the product (Hoyer). The place or the channel of distribution, this is the activity that is used by the companies to move their product from the production to consumption. These companies are said to have come across various channels of distribution to enable their products reach the targeted market. This means that they either use the direct or the indirect channels, that is it may be to the consumers directly or through wholesalers. They normally consider the following, in deciding on the type of the distribution channel to use.   They ensure that the market segment the distributor is familiar with in which therefore the distributor is made familiar with the company’s target markets. They ensure that their company policies, strategies and image match that of the distributor. There are various types of channels the producers apply in the distribution of their products this includes: wholesalers, these are said to be buying goods in bulk from the company and selling them in smaller packages for resale by the retailers. They also provide storage facilities for the products. Wholesalers offer the companies a reduced physical contact cost between the producers and consumers. They also use agents who are normally used in international markets; they are used to widen the international market for the goods. Retailers are also used who have a strong personal relationship with the consumers through whom the products are exposed to the buyers, they offer credits to customers thus promoting and merchandising the companies’ products. (Brassington). The internet is also used through which the companies have a geographically wider market and this has enabled their products to reach a wider audience. The other element used by the companies is promotion. This is the marketing communication that is used by getting the products into the market and pushing the consumers to the point of purchasing the products. The following is practiced; Personal selling, this is a way of maintaining personal customer relations in which the sales person acts on behalf of the companies. These sales people are trained and have the personal selling techniques. Advertising is largely   used to create awareness of the products by the consumers so that the companies may gain responses from their target markets. There are many advertising mediums including, print (newspapers, journals and posters.) and electronic(television, internet and radio). Mediums of communication the companies use to create awareness of the products by buyers. Public Relations are also applied by these companies, which has led to a sustained and planned effort in establishing and bringing understanding between the companies and its consumers. Lastly, they use the exhibitions to make new contacts and renewing the old contacts, this is used to increase the awareness of the products to the consumers thus giving the companies an opportunity to meet both the trade and consumers (Kotler). The other customers will not be able to have the same opinions since marketing opportunities increase when customer groups with varying needs and wants are recognized. Markets can be segmented or targeted on a variety of factors including age, gender, location, geographic factors, demographic characteristics, and family life cycle, desire for relaxation or time pressures. Segments or target markets should be accessible to the business and large enough to provide a solid customer base.   Therefore, a business must analyze the needs and wants of different market segments before determining its niche. References: Baker, M. (2000): Marketing Management and Strategy, 3rd edn: Macmillan Business, London. Blythe, J. (2001): Essentials of Marketing, 2nd edn: Prentice Hall, New York, Brassington, F. and Pettitt, S. (2000): Principles of Marketing, 2nd Edn: Prentice Hall, Harlow, New York Hoyer, W.D. and MacInnis, D.J. (2001): Consumer Behavior, 2nd Edn: Houghton Mifflin Company, New York Kotler, P.; Armstrong, G.; Saunders, J. and Wong, V. (1999): Principles of Marketing, 2nd Edn: Prentice Hall, New Jersey Decision Making in Product Purchasing Decision making in consumer purchasing is defined as the psychological process of selecting a particular course of action among other alternatives, this is said to be the simplest process that a consumer needs to apply before purchasing a particular product. But for one to be able to do this, he must first of all go through various stages that will enable him be aware of the product and how to obtain it. These transactions are useful especially in determining the purchasing behavior of a consumer. The stages involved in this process are:Awareness this is a stage where a consumer must be aware of the existence of a particular product in the market, this is because, if a buyer is not aware of the product then there will be no action taken on the purchasing process. The second stage is interest, meaning, the consumer must be interested in the product he intends to buy, therefore he is persuaded by the content of the message that the product is relevant to his needs. This is then followe d by understanding whereby, the consumer should be able to know how the particular product will meet his needs. [1] The next stage is attitude under this the consumer must be able to develop a positive feeling towards the product depending on the persuasive message given about the product by the producers.Then the final stage is the purchase which is the buying decision made by the consumer, this may take some time later after trying to get the shop that stocks the favorite. Though there are many goods to choose in the market the following factors, made me have the knowledge about the listed products that I had to purchase so that they meet my needs, getting more information about the product this was done by visiting different stores ,discussing with friends, relatives, reading, listening and watching advertisements on media and also most information about the products was found on the Internet; through which various comparisons were made by considering the advantages and the disad vantages of the products, the availability of the product in the market and the resources available and how the good will meet my needs. The evaluation of the product’s quality, durability and usefulness among others was carried out. The following factors enabled to come up with a decision in purchasing the listed products.Need: The decision of the purchase of the official dress came as a result of the need whereby it was recommended that to attend the meeting; one had to put on a particular kind of the clothing. The purchase of the perfume was due to the need to have a good fragrance after shower, before leaving the house so that it can bring freshness throughout the day avoiding the odor that come as result of hard work throughout the day. [2]The need for a good toothbrush, tooth paste and the mouth wash was to maintain the good health of the mouth including the teeth, gums, and tongue and maintaining a fresh breath throughout the day.Also the need for communicating with co lleagues and other members of the family or friends who are said to be far led to the purchase a mobile phone that would ease the communication thus enabling the sharing of information among the society members. The need for a television set was to be entertained and to be informed on what is happening globally and also through television we get to be educated more on particular areas of our social lives so this led to the purchase of the good. The need to keep my self health by avoiding the headache cases during the day so for preventive measures the medicine was bought.Motives: These are personal forces that make an individual to engage in various purchasing activities which will therefore satisfy his needs. Since actions are normally effected by motives, the following motives brought the need to buy these particular products. Love, safety, self actualization and esteem were the basic factors that contributed to this purchase of the listed products.Knowledge: Under this, the abili ty of one to learn is applied, whereby a persons’ behavior is changed through the information given to the product purchased and in this case my knowledge of operating the mobile phone and the television set led me to decide on the buying of these product knowing that there will be no loss or damage caused while operating them. Therefore the knowledge on the product to be bought must also be considered as a leading factor in a consumers purchasing behavior.Attitude: These are defined as the feelings towards a product this can be a negative feeling or a positive feeling this is normally learnt through practice and communications with other people in the society, through interaction with different people and friends among them my family members, a positive attitude against these products was developed whereby the decision to all the listed products. [3]Personality: This is the characteristics that make an individual unique; this normally derives from inheritance and his persona l experience. Such characters include: Self confidence, friendliness, ambitiousness, and aggressiveness in different aspects ofLifestyle this defined as a change towards an individual’s independence that leads to a preference for a particular type of life. For instance the buying of products such as a particular model of a mobile phone was decided upon the type of mobile phones that a particular class of people in the country posses and also the preferred type of perform that is normally used by the particular class of people.Culture and Sub-Culture: These are values, and attitudes accepted by the family members and the society at large these factors determine what product is tolerable within the family. This is normally used to determine what people wear, eat, and travel.Packaging of the clothing that included the hang tags, labels that provided information on the instructions on how to take care of the garment created the a positive attitude towards the garment leading to i ts purchase also the fibre content and the place of its manufacturer led to deciding on purchasing the good.These companies are known for the better production of these products are known to be implying the best marketing strategies that will enable them to achieve the targeted market these strategies include:Pricing-the company uses the pricing methods to enable its product reach its marketing standards. Whereby various pricing methods are applied such as Premium pricing this is where the uniqueness of the company product is defined. This pricing is normally high and is totally used where there is a substantial competition of the product in the market. For the company to be able to gain the market share, it therefore applies the penetration pricing whereby, once the company achieves the market share, it increases the price of its product. Also in situations where the company’s need to promote the product in the market, then it uses the promotional method of pricing in which a consumer is asked to buy a product and the purchase is accompanied by a free sample of the product. [4]The place or the channel of distribution, this is the activity that is used by the companies to move their product from the production to consumption. These companies are said to have come across various channels of distribution to enable their products reach the targeted market. This means that they either use the direct or the indirect channels, that is it may be to the consumers directly or through wholesalers. They normally consider the following, for them to decide on the type of the distribution channel to use; they ensure that the market segment that the distributor is familiar with in which therefore the distributor is made to be familiar the company’s target markets. They ensure that their company policies, strategies and image match with that of the distributor.There are various types of channels that the producers apply in the distribution of their products this include: wholesalers, these are said to be buying goods in bulk from the company and selling them in smaller packages for resale by the retailers, they also provide storage facilities for the products, wholesalers offer the companies a reduced physical contact cost between the producers and its consumers. They also use agents who are normally used in international markets; they are used to widen the international market for the goods. Retailers are also used who have a strong personal relationship with the consumers through whom the products are exposed to the buyers, they offer credits to customers thus promoting and merchandising the companies’ products. [5]The internet is also used through which the companies have a geographically wider market and this has enabled their products to reach a wider audience. The other element used by the companies is promotion, this is the marketing communication that is used by get the products in the market, pushing the consumers to the po int of purchasing the products, the following is practiced; Personal selling, this is a way of maintaining personal customer relations in which the sales person act on behalf of the companies, these sales people are trained and have the personal selling techniques.Advertising is largely   used to create awareness of the products to the consumers so that the companies may gain responses from their target markets, under this there many advertising mediums including, print (newspapers, journals and posters.) and electronic(television, internet and radio) mediums of communication the companies choose to create awareness of the products to buyers. Public Relation is also applied in these companies, which has led to a sustained and a planned effort in establishing and bringing understanding between the companies and its consumers.Lastly, they use the exhibitions to make new contacts and renewing the old contacts, this is used to increase the awareness of the products to the consumers th us giving the companies an opportunity to meet both the trade and consumers. [6]  The other customers will not be able to have the same opinions since marketing opportunities increase when customer groups with varying needs and wants are recognized. Markets can be segmented or targeted on a variety of factors including age, gender, location, geographic factors, demographic characteristics, and family life cycle, desire for relaxation or time pressures. Segments or target markets should be accessible to the business and large enough to provide a solid customer base.   Therefore, a business must analyze the needs and wants of different market segments before determining its niche.References:Baker, M. (2000): Marketing Management and Strategy, 3rd edn: Macmillan Business, London.Blythe, J. (2001): Essentials of Marketing, 2nd edn: Prentice Hall, New York,Brassington, F. and Pettitt, S. (2000): Principles of Marketing, 2nd Edn: Prentice Hall, Harlow, New YorkHoyer, W.D. and MacInnis , D.J. (2001): Consumer Behavior, 2nd Edn: Houghton Mifflin Company, New YorkKotler, P.; Armstrong, G.; Saunders, J. and Wong, V. (1999): Principles of Marketing, 2nd Edn: Prentice Hall, New Jersey[1] Baker, M. (2000): Marketing Management and Strategy, 3rd edn: London. Macmillan Business  [2] Baker, M. (2000): Marketing Management and Strategy, 3rd edn: Macmillan Business, London.  [3] Hoyer, W.D. and MacInnis, D.J. (2001): Consumer Behavior, 2nd Edn: Houghton Mifflin Company, New York[4] Hoyer, W.D. and MacInnis, D.J. (2001): Consumer Behavior, 2nd Edn: Houghton Mifflin Company, New York[5] Brassington, F. and Pettitt, S. (2000): Principles of Marketing, 2nd Edn: Prentice Hall, Harlow, New York[6] Kotler, P.; Armstrong, G.; Saunders, J. and Wong, V. (1999): Principles of Marketing, 2nd Edn: Prentice Hall, New Jersey